Here is a sample bill that you might send to a client who is paying half of the fees and costs on a matter.
Split Billing
This feature lets you distribute the work done on a matter among multiple clients. Your fees and costs are entered once and a separate bill is produced for each client showing his or her share.
Leiber, Church & Rubin, P.C.
1440 Broadway, tenth floor
Oakland, California 94612
our federal tax ID number: 94-2626448
our web site:
March 13, 1997
Fireman's Fun Assurance Company
Jack Soul
3333 California Street
Claims Department
San Francisco CA 94111
Our file number: FF-THREE
Invoice number: 1382
Plaintiff's name: Diane Bijesse
Insured's name: Carol Ojeda-Caploe
Claim number: 100-X45-6500007-38NY009
Policy number: 33
Date of loss: 12/5/96
Adjuster's name: Jan King
Adjuster's shirt size: 15-33
Atty Services Rendered Hours
02/05/97 JSLR Meeting with self proclaimed expert,
Bawrence Lerman, in his San Quentin office 1.50 412.50
02/11/97 LL Conference with opposing attorney
regarding scheduling of next conference
with opposing attorney 2.50 312.50
02/12/97 JSLR Appear for no-show deposition of witness,
left after finishing every magazine in the
waiting room 4.50 1,237.50
02/14/97 PHR Filing of documents 3.00 600.00
02/18/97 PHR Scheduling of trial setting conference 0.30 60.00
02/21/97 JSLR Expert discovery of Bawrence Lerman, he
told us all he knew 0.20 55.00
02/21/97 LL Trial setting conference 0.40 50.00
------- -------------
Total shared fees 12.40 $2,727.50
Your share of the fees at 50% $1,363.75
------- -------------
Summary Hours Rate
Jacob S. Rubin 6.20 275.00 1,705.00
Phillip Rubin 3.30 200.00 660.00
Laurie Leiber 2.90 125.00 362.50
Costs advanced
02/21/97 Filing fee 125.00
02/24/97 Photocopies 27.50
02/26/97 Fee for expert witness, Bawrence Lerman. He was worth at
least twice this charge. 2.50
Total shared costs $155.00
Your share of the costs at 50% $77.50
Total fees and costs through 02/28/97 $1,441.25
Balance from last bill: $1,375.00
This is how much you owe us $2,816.25
30 Days $0.00
60 Days $1,375.00
Life of matter
Billed for fees 2,738.75
Billed for costs 77.50
Billed for fees and costs 2,816.25
This sample bill includes quite a few Legalmaster options.
Billing statements are available in thousands of formats.
1) Billings for the life of the matter appear summarized.
2) We asked the prior balance to appear in aged buckets.
3) The percentage of the shared fees and costs which are
the responsibility of this client print with the totals.
4) We included a totals section for the attorneys' fees.
Leiber, Church & Rubin, P.C.
1440 Broadway, tenth floor
Oakland, California 94612
our federal tax ID number: 94-2626448
our web site:
March 13, 1997
Fireman's Fun Assurance Company
Jack Soul
3333 California Street
Claims Department
San Francisco CA 94111
Our file number: FF-THREE
Invoice number: 1382
Plaintiff's name: Diane Bijesse
Insured's name: Carol Ojeda-Caploe
Claim number: 100-X45-6500007-38NY009
Policy number: 33
Date of loss: 12/5/96
Adjuster's name: Jan King
Adjuster's shirt size: 15-33
Atty Services Rendered Hours
Case Assessment, Development and Administration - L100
02/05/97 JSLR Meeting with self proclaimed expert,
Bawrence Lerman, in his San Quentin office 1.50 412.50
02/14/97 PHR Filing of documents 3.00 600.00
------- -------------
4.50 $1,012.50
------- -------------
Discovery - L300
02/12/97 JSLR Appear for no-show deposition of witness,
left after finishing every magazine in the
waiting room 4.50 1,237.50
02/21/97 JSLR Expert discovery of Bawrence Lerman, he
told us all he knew 0.20 55.00
------- -------------
4.70 $1,292.50
------- -------------
Trial Preparation and Trial - L400
02/11/97 LL Conference with opposing attorney
regarding scheduling of next conference
with opposing attorney 2.50 312.50
02/18/97 PHR Scheduling of trial setting conference 0.30 60.00
02/21/97 LL Trial setting conference 0.40 50.00
------- -------------
3.20 $422.50
------- -------------
------- -------------
Total shared fees 12.40 $2,727.50
Your share of the fees at 50% $1,363.75
------- -------------
Leiber, Church & Rubin, P.C. Page 2
March 13, 1997
Fireman's Fun Assurance Company
Our file number: FF-THREE
Invoice number: 1382
Plaintiff's name: Diane Bijesse
Summary Hours Rate
Jacob S. Rubin 6.20 275.00 1,705.00
Phillip Rubin 3.30 200.00 660.00
Laurie Leiber 2.90 125.00 362.50
Costs advanced
02/21/97 Filing fee 125.00
02/24/97 Photocopies 27.50
02/26/97 Fee for expert witness, Bawrence Lerman. He was worth at
least twice this charge. 2.50
Total shared costs $155.00
Your share of the costs at 50% $77.50
Total fees and costs through 02/28/97 $1,441.25
Balance from last bill: $1,375.00
This is how much you owe us $2,816.25
30 Days $0.00
60 Days $1,375.00
Life of matter
Billed for fees 2,738.75
Billed for costs 77.50
Billed for fees and costs 2,816.25
Legalmaster accommodates the Price Waterhouse/American Bar Association Uniform Task Based Management System (UTBMS). This conventional method of classifying time entries has been adopted by a few dozen mid-sized insurance companies. Although the
larger insurance companies are for the most part developing their own task coding schemes, these other systems are structured in similar ways to that of the UTBMS. You may read much more about this on our electronic billing
page in our frequently asked questions section.
Legalmaster's task billing options may be tailored to address any of these systems' demands. This capability is included with any version of Legalmaster's billing software.
The sample bill immediately above demonstrates one of our task billing capabilities.
Here is the same bill, but this time we sorted the entries by task rather than by date.
Task Billing