Legalmaster has the ability to capture data from any software that exports into our simple exchange format. Click here for a description of Legalmaster's required Import format.
The most common use of this capability is to capture data from cost recovery devices such as photocopiers, telephone systems, postage meters and fax machines. Among many others, companies such as Copyguard, Copitrak, Transaction Recording Systems, Equitrac, General Meters, and Infortext offer Legalmaster download facilities.
Another common use of Legalmaster's Import Module is to capture data from Accounts Payable software packages. Most of our clients use Quickbooks, we also offer links from others.
There are a number of time tracking packages that send their data to Legalmaster via our Import Module, such as DTE (Distributed Time Entry), Carpe Diem, Atilla, Time Piece, among others.
Legalmaster exports to the formats required by the General Ledger Software manufactured by LIBRA Programming, Solomon and Platinum. We accommodate both cash and accrual accounting and can support very sophisticated charts of accounts. You may, for example, go so far as to break down your finance charge receipts by area of law.
Legalmaster's report writer may export any data in comma delimited ASCII, also known as a CSV (comma separated value)file, a tab-delimited file, or a pipe-delimited file, so that they may be read by virtually any spreadsheet or database package. This is the means we use to transfer Legalmaster data to a number of products manufactured by other companies.
Excel spreadsheet,
may print any Legalmaster
report to your screen. Once the report is displayed on the screen you
may cut
and paste
all or any portion of it to any other application, such as word
processing or e-mail.