In addition to transaction date ranges for all of your types of financial activity (fees, costs, payments, etc), Legalmaster stores or can derive five particular dates for each of your matters. Namely,
You may use these when you create reports with our report writer, MIRC. Here's how you might take advantage of them.
This refers to the date upon which a matter was last posted to history. It's not the cut-off date used at the time of posting, but the actual date you ran the procedure. For example if on April 5th you posted to history all activity through
March 31st, March 31st is the cut-off date, while April 5th is the posting date. In this example, it is April 5th that Legalmaster would consider to be the date of last posting.
This is a useful field to add to accounts receivable reports. It appears automatically on Legalmaster's pre-bills.
This is a good field to use if you're interested in assessing matter inactivity. For example, you might want to produce a report of all matters whose last fee took place more than two years ago. To do that, just range on date of last fee from 1/1/81
(Legalmaster's oldest possible date) through, perhaps, 12/31/01. As a result, matters that had even one fee transaction dated after 12/31/01 would not appear on the report.
This one's pretty self explanatory. You might want to produce a report of all cases opened this year sorted by responsible attorney.
When you close a matter, Legalmaster automatically inserts the system date as the date case closed. You may, of course, override it. Just as you might want to know which or how many matters were opened in a particular time period, you
might want to know the same thing regarding the matters that you closed.
How do I take advantage of the "Date of Last..." Fields?
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